Back again. Here are some side by side comparisons of my layout and the final inked art for some pages from issue 14. My current process (which seems to be changing regularly if you compare to older posts on this blog) is to do a rough layout (shown below) scan it, enlarge it and print it in light blue on to the art board. Then I tighten up the detail a bit in pencil (not shown below) and ink it (shown below). Then scan it again and its off to Fco for colors.

Love all those structure and composition lines you use to map out the scene and chatacters.
Can't say i fully understand them all, but it certainly shows how skilled your techniques are.
I'd love to one day see an issue reprinted entirely in rough form!!
Always a joy to see your work process and the flow from thought to completion
it is like the Directors Cut from the artist point of view
keep them coming please
Jason, love your work first off. A few questions.
Why do undersketch/pencil/blah's go in light blue?
Second, the scanner you use to scan on, I imagine its pretty top of the range stuff?
Do you ink the pages digitally? What do you use?
I use the colored pencil to save a step of erasing. Meaning I can draw a really rough sketch in a color (blue or orange usually) and then go right over top of it with graphite pencil and tighten up the drawing. If I used graphite from the start, then I couldn't see the difference between the old lines and the new ones.
The scanner I sueis decent. An Epson 2450. It is several years old but is still pretty fast. However, because the finished art I scan is black and white, and the ultimate resolution needed for print is not super high (600 dpi) the scanner does not need to be top of the line, the way it might if you were scanning color paintings or photographs. More helpful would be a large format scanner, which I dont yet have:)
I ink traditionally. A Scharff #3 brush. And Staedtler pens.
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