Well, The Astounding Wolf-Man #1 came out a couple weeks ago. Pretty cool. Thanks to anyone who picked one up. Books like this can only survive with the support of the readers so if you like it make sure your local comic shop knows. Having a comic come out is still a strange experience for me. I want to like it, and I do, but I also see the things that could be better. So you know I am just working on improving. To see if I succeded you can buy issue #2 which will be out in July. In fact buy 2 copies, because you know, you didn't have pay for the first one :)
Here is an article the fine gentle people at Broken Frontier did with me-
http://www.brokenfrontier.com/lowdown/details.php?id=799If your near the great state of Michigan, I will be at the Motor City Con in Novi this weekend. Stop by and say "Hi". I will be doing sketches and signing books and all that stuff.
For those who posted comments here that havn't shown up, sorry. Apparently I have to manage these now and I hadn't done so. So they should be up now.
Here are a couple preveiw pages from issue #2 as well as the rough layout for #4 cover.