Saturday, August 22, 2009

Sketch Books for Sale!

I finally got my act together. Over to the right you will see a brand new link for my Gun-Play art books. They are 20 pages of full color, comic sized finished drawings of girls with guns. I have a somewhat limited supply so if you are interested click the link and order one. They are $20 plus shipping, more details in the link. Thanks! If you have any problems/questions with your order e-mail me at .

Also, for those who live in the northern Michigan area I will be in Traverse City on August 29-30 for the Cherry Capital Con . Come by and say hi and all that good stuff. I will have Wolf-Man trades and Gun-Play sketch books for sale. I'll probably also be doing sketches and chatting about the Lions pre season and whatever else comes to mind. Should be fun! Here is a T-Shirt design that I did for the show.


Peter Alger said...

Great stuff and thanks for shipping to the UK Jason.
Order placed!!

Adam Martin said...

Ordered mine! I wish I would have known about C3 earlier, Already made plans to vist the in-laws in Detroit. Well maybe next year, I looks like it will be an awsome con.

michaeljsmith said...

hopefully you will still have sketchbooks for Windy City Con

Jason Howard said...

Pete, Adam- Thanks for ordering! They have both been shipped out.

BrikHed- I am pretty sure I will have some left to bring to the show.

Adam Martin said...

Score! Got my Gun-Play today!

To quote our good friend Jerry Mansfield "If I could make a living drawing boobs I would!...Wouldn't you?"

Peter Alger said...

Thanks Jason, your book arrived today and thanks for the extra comic too!!
Really loved the theme... could this possibly be a clue to your next project?