Thanks to those who have bought sketchbooks, you all are the bestset. If anyone else want to be the best, just click on that pretty girl with guns over to the right there.
I have a couple convention appearances coming up.
- Saturday, September 19. The Windy City Comicon I was at this conventions inaugural show last year and it was great. The cool thing about it was that they took the part I like best about conventions (artist alley) and made that the whole show. This year their guest list has expanded and it looks like even more fun. Smaller shows like this give the fans a great opportunity to meet and talk to creators. In fact I am looking forward to going just so I can meet some of my favorite artists. If you are anywhere in the Chicago area you should come.
- Saturday & Sunday, October 10-11. The Baltimore Comic-Con It looks like I will be at Baltimore this year. I have never done this show before, but I hear good things and am looking forward to it.
Looking back over recent posts it seems that I have not written much other than to promote various things I have coming up. So I thought I would pass on a fun story from my trip to the San Diego Comic Con a few weeks ago.
I arrived at the airport in the afternoon, as usual in San Diego it was a beautiful day. I flagged a taxi and we set off to my hotel. The cab driver was chatty and once we got past the typicall "how great the weather in San Diego is" part of the conversation it came up that I was from Michigan. This led into some sports talk, and then things got quiet for a couple minutes. After a while the cabbie said "So what about that doctor?", I had no idea what he was talking about, so I said "What Doctor?". He replied "You know that doctor that kills people". "Oh, Dr Kevorkian" I said. Keep in mind that Kevorkian was big in the news, oh about 15 years ago, so he is not fresh in my mind whenever anyone mentions "doctor". But I guess the fact that he was from Michigan also, the cabbie thought I would have an opinion. So we discussed the pros and cons of physician assisted suicide for a bit and then things got quite agian. After a few minutes of quiet the cabbie spoke up again, "You know, I wanted to kill myself". At this point I became more than a little nervous about the person who was driving me and responsible for my safety. But I offered what encouragement I could and tried to avoid mentioning anything that might make the cabbie decide that NOW was his opportunity to drive off a bridge and end it all. As we spoke more the cabbie assured me that he was past those dark times in his life and things were good now, but it didn't provide me much assurance and I was quite relieved when we finally arrived at the hotel.
And now some art. The cover and some process stuff for Wolf-Man 21. He's back!

Iv'e heard great things about Baltimore comic-con. I hope to go one of these years. Maybe after I'm done with school.
My wife grew up right near the hotel where "the doctor" did his last deed that landed him in jail.
Good things over you, I really want a sketch from you, or a drawing of the wolf man.
What is happening to the issues, the #19 was supposed to be released the Agust 27 and the #20 in a week.
Since the delay in the #18, when Kirkman announced the end in of the Wolf-Man, all issues are daleyed.
I'd imagine that usually the weirdness doesn't begin until you actually GET to the Con. Glad you made it safe and sound.
Love the cover too! I like seeing concept to sketch and finished product. Thanks for the sneak peek!
I'm not sure if this has been asked of yet or if there was post of it, Anywayz; Have you thought of selling Wolf-Man Tea-Shirts at all? I'm sure they would sell fast =D
(sry for the double post (if any)
Why the issue 19 was delayed to October 14 and Issue 20 to October 23?
The #19 should be released at
August. And what about kirkman promise 'On time in 09' (
Something is wrong since the end of Wolf-Man was announced.
Gatuno- Yeah, some things happened to impact the schedule of 18 a bit which pushed back 19 and so on. It is just a bad coincidence that this happened around the time that the series end was announced. But dont worry, I am working like a crazy person to get things back in order.
Bandanaboy- T-Shirts would be cool. Not sure that we plan to do them right now but who knows.
Well, at last I know why. I'm really sad about the issues, as I live in Mexico the comics take more time to reach me, and, ah.... I love this comic.
Thanks, and I wait for it in October.
Hey, Jason! I'm way late in getting around to saying hey, but I thought I had your email address, I guess not. Just wanted to say that I had a great time hanging with you at Windy City (ridiculously loud bar and all). Keep in touch, sir!
kwmellon (at)
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