First. Last week The Astounding Wolf-Man volume 1 was named to the American Library Association's list of Great Graphic Novels for Teens 2009. We didn't make the top 10, but still making the list at all is pretty cool. Check out the full list of books here-
Second. I finally have a gallery over at Deviant Art. If you have been following this blog for a while, most of the images over there will not be new to you, but there may be a couple things that you haven't seen. I will of course continue to keep up this blog. I am not sure but I am thinking that I will probably share more of my process and behind the scenes stuff here, and only put the finished stuff on DA. We'll see how it works out. Find it here-
Third. So as not to have a post with no art, here are a couple pencil pages from #12.

beautiful work - love the work in process/behind the scenes stuff
This blog makes me very happy. I love your art, and I love Wolf-Man. Keep up the great work.
Hope you will still have time to keep this blog going, I love to see all the prelims and rough stuff.
Checked out you deviant site too, sweet cover to AWM #16!
Brilliant artwork for Wolf-Man as usual. Gongrats to you and Robert Kirkman for making the list, shame you didn't make it into the Top Ten.
Sr. howard, recientemente y gracias al internet he descubierto su comics WOLFA-MAN y he quedado prendado de este,su estilo de dibujo y arte me ha gustado bastante,aqui cuenta con un fan mas desde Mexico, le envio un cordial saludo y esstare pendiente de su trabajo.
su amigo El Gris
I picked up my copy of Volume 1 last week and read it from cover to cover. Great stuff, Jason!
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