Here are a couple con sketches from San Diego and a small (but fun) show I did in Massachusetts. I know there are a bunch more out there so if you have one, send me a scan yo! Particularly if it is a good one. Those who got crappy sketches from me don't need to send in those :)

There is an interview up with me today on Newsarama promoting issue #3 which will be out in September. You can check it out here-
On a sad note, comic artist Mike Wieringo passed away earlier this week. I didn't know Mike really much at all. But the one time I met him was years ago at a small show in Chicago. I was showing my portfolio around and he was incredibly gracious and encouraging in his review. I never forgot that. In more recent years he had gone out of his way to compliment my work online, I had hoped to see him at a con again soon to thank him for the encouragement he gave me along the way. I guess that will have to wait. My prayers are with his family.
Hey Jason,
It's good to have you back in town. I can't wait for issue #3!
Glad you had fun at the cons. Wish I could go to San Diego every year just to shake hands with pro's such as yourself.
Like Dave, I can't wait for issue #3. Keep up with the good work.
If you're in the con mood, swing by KC sometime!!!! We'd love to have ya!
P.S. Yeah, I'm stunned about Mike too.
It was great meeting you in Mass. a couple of weeks ago. Thanks for the great Black Adam sketch. Glad to hear to you had a good time at the show.
- Bill
Thanks guys. Issue 3 turned out pretty cool. I can't wait for it to come out. Robert is really developing things with the story, wait until you see #4 :)
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