Sunday, November 19, 2006

Christmas is coming!

Here's the cover to the family Christmas card this year. A few years ago (before kids, when I still some of the elusive thing called 'free time') I started doing these not very holiday themed mini comic Chirstmas cards. People seemed to dig them, and I had fun doing them. But last year I was busy and although I wrote most of it and drew the layouts I never got a chance to actually draw the card. Well I guess more people liked them than I thought, because I got all kinds of grief for slacking off. So anyway, this year the theme is outer space. Hopefully I'll get the rest finished in time to get it to the printer and sent before Chiristmas. Feliz Navidad.


Anonymous said...

Very cool Jason. I'm really liking this. You know I'm going to bug you now on how to do the Zip-A-Tone/?Screentone digitally. ;)

Hope you and the family have a good Turkey Day.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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First Salvo said...

Hey dude, thanks for the cover resend, sorry for the confusion. Mac vs PC... grrrr.

All fixed now.

Check out the new First Salvo blog:

Here's to lots more Howard in 2007!

Sophie Grace said...

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