Monday, November 06, 2006

Briareos Sketch

I have a tendency to like to overwork things looking for just the right line. So lately I have been forcing myself to be a little more sketchy. I gave myself an hour to do this warmup sketch of Briareos from Appleseed. The guns were the last thing I drew and the hour was almost up, so they got shortchanged, sorry.

This kind of drawing is fun, because my goal is not necessarily to make a good drawing, it is just to finish before the time is up. The time limit removes most of my edits from the process. Its like when I was drawing as a kid, I didn't know what made a good drawing or bad drawing, I was just drawing to make a picture, to create something with pencil. The process itself was the joy, not the quality of the finished drawing.


Unknown said...

nice pic! bigtime fan of Appleseed and you def did him justice.

Kiến Cộng Sinh said...

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